Sunday, December 19, 2010

The First Cup of Coffee

Welcome to the Daily Scroll! We do things differently here.

This blog is intended to bring you interesting, informative and fun pieces of text that should lighten up the mood. I'll be reviewing recent purchases, talk about the latest politics and the like, and whatever else happens to catch my fancy. So without further a due, let's get blogging!

The First Cup Of Coffee

You know what bliss is? It's waking up half asleep, half annoyed from the alarm clock and somehow configuring the coffee maker in this state. After pouring in the water, and adding the coffee grinds you almost think its a continuation from your dream. I have even fallen asleep waiting for the coffee to finish. But then, when it's done and you take that first sip...bliss.

I love coffe. Ice coffee, hot coffee, dunkin' doughnuts coffee, imported coffee, even whatever Starbucks wants to call coffee. I love nothing more than to wake up with a nice coffee in hand, basking in the glow of my pc monitor and reading about the lunatics trying to run our country. I like to call this a "little victory".

There are plenty of little victories placed throughout our daily lives. If there weren't, I'm sure the human population would be much more stagnant. But that's a topic for another day.

I'll visit my normal sites, see what the latest is on the gaming front, see if the local sports teams I don't care about won or lost, and check to see how many layers of clothing I should be wearing in my commute to work.

While I see the world bracing for war, the cold getting colder, and the Celtics winning more and more, I'm still stuck in a blissful state of the first cup of coffee. I'm aware now, alert. I can finally distinguish what's reality and what was concocted in my odd mind. Dispite not being in the most ideal world, despite not having the best job, despite not having the best luxuries, I have a little victory of my own. The first cup of coffee.

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